Alternative Testing Arrangements
For candidates seeking alternative testing arrangements, please be aware of the timelines associated with the review and approval process for your request as well as the coordination with a test center that might be needed to arrange your appointment. For information, visit the Alternative Testing Arrangements section of this website.
- Get started with our step-by-step guide.
- Exams: Find information about each exam, including when and where you can test.
- Prepare: Access preparation materials for your exam.
- Register: Ready to test? Start the online registration process now.
- Scores: Access your score report and review your testing history.
- Policies: Review the registration, testing, and score reporting policies.
- EPPs: Review resources for faculty and EPPs.
- Become a Pearson Scorer: Review the qualifications and apply.
Find Exam Dates, Sites, and More:
Important Announcements
An edTPA TX EPP Webinar Request Form
is now available, use this form to request edTPA webinar(s) specific to the needs of your TX EPP faculty and staff.
Registration for the redeveloped English Language Arts and Reading 7–12, Health EC–12, and Physical Education EC–12 exams is now open for testing beginning September 2, 2024.
Prospective Candidates
Quick links to program essentials to start you on your way:
Returning Visitors
Quick links for candidates who have already registered to test:
Preparation Materials
- Getting Started
- EC–12 Cooperating Teachers, Programs, & Faculty: Visit
to join the online community and access edTPA handbooks and instructional materials in the Resource Library.
Prepare for Success: My Candidate Roadmap™ 
Once registered for an exam, My Candidate Roadmap lets you track your progress and access links to suggested tutorials, guides, and other available materials. You can also view future steps so that you can plan appropriately. To access My Candidate Roadmap, visit Current Registrations.