Section 3: Overview and Exam Framework
Art EC–12 (178)

Exam Overview

Table outlining the test format, number of questions, time, and passing score.
Exam Name Art EC–12
Exam Code 178
Time 5 hours
Number of Questions 100 selected-response questions
Format Computer-administered test (CAT)

The TExES Art EC–12 (178) exam is designed to assess whether an examinee has the requisite knowledge and skills that an entry-level educator in this field in Texas public schools must possess. The 100 selected-response questions are based on the Art EC–12 exam framework and cover grades EC–12. The exam may contain questions that do not count toward the score. Your final scaled score will be based only on scored questions.

The Standards

Standard I

The art teacher understands how ideas for creating art are developed and organized from the perception of self, others, and natural and human-made environments.

Standard II

The art teacher understands the skills and techniques needed for personal and creative expression through the creation of original works of art in a wide variety of media and helps students develop those skills and techniques.

Standard III

The art teacher understands and promotes students’ appreciation of art histories and diverse cultures.

Standard IV

The art teacher understands and conveys the skills necessary for analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating works of art and is able to help students make informed judgments about personal artworks and those of others.

Standard V

The art teacher understands how children develop cognitively and artistically and knows how to implement effective, age-appropriate art instruction and assessment.

Domains and Competencies

Table outlining test content subject weighting by domain.
Domain Domain Title Approx. Percentage of Exam Standards Assessed
I Creating Works of Art 32% Art EC–12: I, II
II Art, Culture and History 27% Art EC–12: I–IV
III Aesthetic Knowledge and Analysis of Art 14% Art EC–12: I–IV
IV Art Education 27% Art EC–12: I–V

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table above.

The content covered by this exam is organized into broad areas of content called domains. Each domain covers one or more of the educator standards for this field. Within each domain, the content is further defined by a set of competencies. Each competency is composed of two major parts:

Domain I—Creating Works of Art

Competency 001—The teacher demonstrates knowledge of the elements and principles of art and analyzes their use in works of visual art.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Demonstrates basic knowledge of the meaning of and terminology for the elements of art (e.g., color, texture, shape, form, line, space, value) and the relationships among elements of art.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of the meaning of and terminology for the principles of art (e.g., emphasis, contrast, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, unity) and the relationships among principles of art.
  3. Recognizes how the elements and principles of art are used in the creation of works of art in various media.
  4. Analyzes art elements and principles and their relationships to each other and within the environment.
  5. Demonstrates knowledge of the principles of composition and design as applied to works of art in various media.
Competency 002—The teacher understands the tools, materials, processes and techniques used in drawing.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes the characteristics, qualities and uses of various media used in drawing.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of drawing techniques used to produce high-quality artworks.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of the safe and appropriate uses of art materials and equipment used in drawing.
  4. Recognizes how critical and creative thinking are applied to the creation of drawings.
Competency 003—The teacher understands the tools, materials, processes and techniques used in painting.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes the characteristics, qualities and uses of various media used in painting.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of painting techniques used to produce high-quality artworks.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of the safe and appropriate uses of art materials and equipment used in painting.
  4. Recognizes how critical and creative thinking are applied to the creation of paintings.
Competency 004—The teacher understands the tools, materials, processes and techniques used in sculpture and ceramics.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes the characteristics, qualities and uses of various media used in sculpture and ceramics.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of sculpture and ceramic techniques used to produce high-quality artworks.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of the safe and appropriate uses of art materials and equipment used in sculpture and ceramics.
  4. Recognizes how critical and creative thinking are applied to the creation of works of art in sculpture and ceramics.
Competency 005—The teacher understands the tools, materials, processes and techniques used in fiberart and jewelry.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes the characteristics, qualities and uses of various media used in fiberart and jewelry.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of fiberart and jewelry techniques used to produce high-quality artworks.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of the safe and appropriate uses of art materials and equipment used in fiberart and jewelry.
  4. Recognizes how critical and creative thinking are applied to the creation of works of art in fiberart and jewelry.
Competency 006—The teacher understands the tools, materials, processes and techniques used in printmaking and photography.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes the characteristics, qualities and uses of various media used in printmaking and photography.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of printmaking and photography techniques used to produce high-quality artworks.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of the safe and appropriate uses of art materials and equipment used in printmaking and photography.
  4. Recognizes how critical and creative thinking are applied to the creation of works of art in printmaking and photography.
Competency 007—The teacher understands the tools, materials, processes and techniques used in electronic and other contemporary art forms (e.g., performance art, videography).

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes the characteristics, qualities and uses of various media used in electronic and other contemporary art forms.
  2. Demonstrates basic knowledge of techniques used to produce high-quality artworks in electronic and other contemporary art forms.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of the safe and appropriate uses of art materials and equipment used in electronic and other contemporary art forms.
  4. Recognizes how critical and creative thinking are applied to the creation of works of art in electronic and other contemporary art forms.

Domain II—Art, Culture and History

Competency 008—The teacher understands how the visual arts shape and reflect history, society and culture.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes, compares and contrasts the reasons why different cultures create and use art.
  2. Demonstrates knowledge of the various roles of art (e.g., storytelling, documentation, personal expression, decoration, utility, inspiration, social change) in different cultures.
  3. Understands the value of art to individuals and to society.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of the ways in which ideas (e.g., personal, social, political) are expressed through works of art in various media.
  5. Analyzes the effects that external conditions (e.g., political, environmental, economic, cultural) may have on a society's art.
  6. Analyzes the influence of contemporary cultures on artworks.
  7. Recognizes art's power to influence individuals and society.
  8. Demonstrates knowledge of the relationships between technology and art.
Competency 009—The teacher recognizes and analyzes similarities and differences among artworks from various cultures from ancient times through the present.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Compares and contrasts works of art from various cultures and historical periods in terms of theme, style, technique, medium, function and intent.
  2. Analyzes how the elements and principles of art are used to convey perceptions in the art of different cultures.
  3. Identifies visual symbols in artworks, environments and life experiences.
  4. Recognizes and describes universal themes in art and how their expression reflects different perceptions of and experiences in the world.
Competency 010—The teacher recognizes and analyzes distinguishing characteristics of works of art from Africa, Asia and the Middle East from ancient times through the present.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes and describes the main idea in works of art from Africa, Asia and the Middle East from various periods.
  2. Analyzes how artists in Africa, Asia and the Middle East use art elements and principles to create art and convey meaning.
  3. Analyzes the cultural contexts of artworks and ways in which history, traditions and societal issues are reflected in artworks from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of how ideas have been expressed using different media in the art of Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
  5. Analyzes how visual qualities in works of art from Africa, Asia and the Middle East express the meaning of images and symbols.
  6. Recognizes historical and contemporary trends and movements in the art of Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Competency 011—The teacher recognizes and analyzes distinguishing characteristics of works of art from Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America from ancient times through the present.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes and describes the main idea in works of art from Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America from various periods.
  2. Analyzes how artists in Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America use art elements and principles to create art and convey meaning.
  3. Analyzes the cultural contexts of artworks and ways in which history, traditions and societal issues are reflected in artworks from Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of how ideas have been expressed using different media in the art of Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America.
  5. Analyzes how visual qualities in works of art from Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America express the meaning of images and symbols.
  6. Recognizes historical and contemporary trends and movements in the art of Australia, Oceania, Central America and South America.
Competency 012—The teacher recognizes and analyzes distinguishing characteristics of works of art from Europe from ancient times through the present.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes and describes the main idea in works of art from Europe from various periods.
  2. Analyzes how artists in Europe use art elements and principles to create art and convey meaning.
  3. Analyzes the cultural contexts of artworks and ways in which history, traditions and societal issues are reflected in artworks from Europe.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of how ideas have been expressed using different media in the art of Europe.
  5. Analyzes how visual qualities in works of art from Europe express the meaning of images and symbols.
  6. Recognizes historical and contemporary trends and movements in the art of Europe.
Competency 013—The teacher recognizes and analyzes distinguishing characteristics of works of art from North America from ancient times through the present.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes and describes the main idea in works of art from North America from various periods.
  2. Analyzes how artists in North America use art elements and principles to create art and convey meaning.
  3. Analyzes the cultural contexts of artworks and ways in which history, traditions and societal issues are reflected in artworks from North America.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of how ideas have been expressed using different media in the art of North America.
  5. Analyzes how visual qualities in works of art from North America express the meaning of images and symbols.
  6. Recognizes historical and contemporary trends and movements in the art of North America.

Domain III—Aesthetic Knowledge and Analysis of Art

Competency 014—The teacher understands the skills and knowledge that contribute to visual perception.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Demonstrates basic knowledge of how perception is developed through observation, prior knowledge, beliefs, cognitive processes and multisensory experiences.
  2. Recognizes how the use of the senses helps gather information from the environment.
  3. Analyzes and compares visual characteristics of natural and human-made subjects.
  4. Analyzes how critical thinking and creative problem solving are applied in perceiving artworks.
  5. Demonstrates familiarity with the proper use of terminology for art elements and principles in exploring artistic perception.
Competency 015—The teacher understands the skills and knowledge that contribute to visual literacy.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Demonstrates basic knowledge of the skills and knowledge needed to develop visual literacy (e.g., knowledge of art elements and principles, of art of different eras and cultures, and of diverse purposes and uses of art).
  2. Understands how to use experience, observation, memory, imagination, art of other cultures and periods, and perception of natural and human-made environments as sources for ideas for original works of art in various media.
  3. Recognizes how visual literacy (e.g., knowledge of art elements and principles, of art of different eras and cultures, and of diverse purposes and uses of art) contributes to the creation of original works of art in various media.
Competency 016—The teacher understands the basic principles of analysis, interpretation, and critique of works of art from various eras and cultures.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Understands the principles of analysis, interpretation and critique of artworks and the factors involved in forming conclusions about formal properties, historical and cultural context, intent and meaning in both representational and abstract artworks.
  2. Recognizes and describes major models of art criticism.
  3. Demonstrates familiarity with various theories used in analyzing and evaluating works of art.
  4. Knows how to make subtle discriminations in analyzing visual relationships and content in works of art.
  5. Recognizes and describes the difference between “copy art” and original art.
  6. Demonstrates knowledge of multiple models for critiquing one's own artworks and the artworks of others.
  7. Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of multisensory, verbal and written modes for responding to art.

Domain IV—Art Education

Competency 017—The teacher understands the selection and use of curricula and instructional strategies for art education.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Recognizes and describes various curriculum models for art education.
  2. Knows how to use district curricula and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) to plan instruction in art and how to implement and evaluate curricula and instruction in art.
  3. Recognizes and describes stages of children's intellectual, social, emotional and physical development and how these apply to learning in art.
  4. Knows how to develop and use instructional strategies to address the strengths and needs of each child, including children with special needs.
  5. Analyzes and describes the connections among the visual arts.
  6. Analyzes and describes relationships of the visual arts to the other arts, other disciplines and to other aspects of human endeavor.
Competency 018—The teacher understands lessons and activities that develop the thinking skills students need to create, evaluate and appreciate artworks.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Demonstrates knowledge of lessons and activities that develop students' visual literacy.
  2. Demonstrates knowledge of lessons and activities that assist students in learning to deepen and expand their ability to perceive and reflect on the environment.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of lessons and activities that encourage students to explore, express, and reflect upon their perceptions and life experiences for use in the creation of artworks.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of lessons and activities that encourage students to solve problems and create multiple solutions in art.
  5. Knows how to assist students in developing an appreciation for the value and roles of art in U.S. society.
  6. Knows how to assist students in developing the age-appropriate skills necessary for developing an appreciation for art of the past and present and of cultures different from their own.
  7. Demonstrates familiarity with ways to assist students in identifying and describing their criteria for understanding the meaning or main idea in artworks.
  8. Demonstrates familiarity with ways to assist students in developing the skills necessary to evaluate and make informed judgments about their own and others' artworks.
  9. Demonstrates familiarity with ways to assist students in developing the skills necessary to interpret and evaluate artistic decisions in the artwork of others and to justify their decisions in their own artwork.
Competency 019—The teacher understands lessons and activities that develop the productive skills students need to create artworks.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Demonstrates knowledge of lessons and activities for instructing students in techniques used for creating art.
  2. Demonstrates knowledge of strategies for providing examples of the range of expression available through various art media.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge of how to help students use various resources in ways that are relevant to students' ideas, experiences, knowledge and feelings.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of lessons and activities for developing students’ ability to explain how they are creating works of art in various media for personal expression.
  5. Recognizes effective strategies for describing, modeling and providing examples of design in creating objects for everyday life using various media.
  6. Knows how to manage the use of art materials, equipment, art processes and studio space.
  7. Knows how to instruct students in the safe use of art materials and equipment.
Competency 020—The teacher understands reading and study strategies that contribute to learning in the visual arts.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Knows strategies that students with diverse strengths and needs can use to determine word meaning in content-related texts, develop content-area vocabulary and facilitate comprehension before, during and after reading content-related texts.
  2. Recognizes and describes a variety of instructional strategies to ensure all students’ reading comprehension of content-related texts, including helping students link the content of texts to their lives and connect related ideas across different texts.
  3. Knows how to teach students to locate, retrieve and retain content-related information from a range of texts and technologies.
  4. Knows how to teach students to locate the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar content-related words using appropriate sources, such as dictionaries, thesauruses and glossaries.
  5. Demonstrates familiarity with the uses of instructional and communication technologies to enhance learning.
Competency 021—The teacher understands the basic principles and approaches for assessment in art education.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Demonstrates knowledge of methods and purposes of various kinds of assessment in art (e.g., formative, summative, performance).
  2. Knows how to use assessment to monitor and encourage the growth of students’ thinking in art (including use of metacognitive skills) and to assess the skills and abilities of individual students in using the techniques of art and to plan instruction accordingly.
  3. Demonstrates familiarity with various models that may be used to develop a portfolio of student work.
  4. Demonstrates familiarity with ways to develop and use assessment tools, including rubrics.
  5. Recognizes and describes appropriate evaluative criteria in relation to students’ portfolios, individual artworks and works in progress.
Competency 022—The teacher understands career choices, avocations and professional development available in the visual arts.

The beginning teacher:

  1. Knows the skills and training needed to pursue various careers in art.
  2. Identifies vocational and avocational opportunities in art and the use of art skills in various jobs.
  3. Knows how to help students understand and contribute to arts in their local community.
  4. Demonstrates knowledge of professional development opportunities in art and how to maintain familiarity with current research on teaching in art.
  5. Knows how to communicate effectively with administrators and other staff, parents/guardians and the community about the art program.

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