Section 3: Overview and Exam Framework
English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)

Exam Overview

Table outlining the test format, number of questions, time, and passing score.
Exam Name English as a Second Language Supplemental
Exam Code 154
Time 5 hours
Number of Questions 80 selected-response questions
Format Computer-administered test (CAT)

The TExES English as a Second Language Supplemental (154) exam is designed to assess whether an examinee has the requisite knowledge and skills that an entry-level educator in this field in Texas public schools must possess. The 80 selected-response questions are based on the English as a Second Language Supplemental exam framework. The exam may contain questions that do not count toward the score. Your final scaled score will be based only on scored questions.

The Standards

Standard I

The ESL teacher understands fundamental language concepts and knows the structure and conventions of the English language.

Standard II

The ESL teacher has knowledge of the foundations of ESL education and factors that contribute to an effective multicultural and multilingual learning environment.

Standard III

The ESL teacher understands the processes of first- and second-language acquisition and uses this knowledge to promote students’ language development in English.

Standard IV

The ESL teacher understands ESL teaching methods and uses this knowledge to plan and implement effective, developmentally appropriate ESL instruction.

Standard V

The ESL teacher has knowledge of the factors that affect ESL students’ learning of academic content, language and culture.

Standard VI

The ESL teacher understands formal and informal assessment procedures and instruments (language proficiency and academic achievement) used in ESL programs and uses assessment results to plan and adapt instruction.

Standard VII

The ESL teacher knows how to serve as an advocate for ESL students and facilitate family and community involvement in their education.

Domains and Competencies

Table outlining test content subject weighting by domain.
Domain Domain Title Approx. Percentage of Exam Standards Assessed
I Language Concepts and Language Acquisition 25% English as a Second Language I, III
II ESL Instruction and Assessment 45% English as a Second Language I, III–VI
III Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural Awareness and Family and Community Involvement 30% English as a Second Language II, VII

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table above.

The content covered by this exam is organized into broad areas of content called domains. Each domain covers one or more of the educator standards for this field. Within each domain, the content is further defined by a set of competencies. Each competency is composed of two major parts:

Domain I—Language Concepts and Language Acquisition

Competency 001—The ESL teacher understands fundamental language concepts and knows the structure and conventions of the English language.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Understands the nature of language and basic concepts of language systems (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, discourse, pragmatics) and uses this understanding to facilitate student learning in the ESL classroom.
  2. Knows the functions and registers of language (e.g., social versus academic language) in English and uses this knowledge to develop and modify instructional materials, deliver instruction and promote ESL students’ English-language proficiency.
  3. Understands the interrelatedness of listening, speaking, reading and writing and uses this understanding to develop ESL students’ English-language proficiency.
  4. Knows the structure of the English language (e.g., word formation, grammar, vocabulary and syntax) and the patterns and conventions of written and spoken English and uses this knowledge to model and provide instruction to develop the foundation of English mechanics necessary to understand content-based instruction and accelerated learning of English in accordance with the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).
Competency 002—The ESL teacher understands the processes of first-language (L1) and second-language (L2) acquisition and the interrelatedness of L1 and L2 development.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Knows theories, concepts and research related to L1 and L2 acquisition.
  2. Uses knowledge of theories, concepts and research related to L1 and L2 acquisition to select effective, appropriate methods and strategies for promoting students’ English-language development at various stages.
  3. Knows cognitive processes (e.g., memorization, categorization, generalization, metacognition) involved in synthesizing and internalizing language rules for second-language acquisition.
  4. Analyzes the interrelatedness of first- and second-language acquisition and ways in which L1 may affect development of L2.
  5. Knows common difficulties (e.g., idiomatic expressions; L1 interference in syntax, phonology and morphology) experienced by ESL students in learning English and effective strategies for helping students overcome those difficulties.


Domain II—ESL Instruction and Assessment

Competency 003—The ESL teacher understands ESL teaching methods and uses this knowledge to plan and implement effective, developmentally appropriate instruction.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Knows applicable Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and knows how to design and implement appropriate instruction to address the domains of listening, speaking and reading and writing.
  2. Knows effective instructional methods and techniques for the ESL classroom, and selects and uses instructional methods, resources and materials appropriate for addressing specified instructional goals and promoting learning in students with diverse characteristics and needs.
  3. Applies knowledge of effective practices, resources and materials for providing content-based ESL instruction, engaging students in critical thinking and fostering students’ communicative competence.
  4. Knows how to integrate technological tools and resources into the instructional process to facilitate and enhance student learning.
  5. Applies effective classroom management and teaching strategies for a variety of ESL environments and situations.
Competency 004—The ESL teacher understands how to promote students’ communicative language development in English.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Knows applicable Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and knows how to design and implement appropriate instruction to address the proficiency level descriptors for the beginning, intermediate, advanced and advanced-high levels in the listening and speaking domains.
  2. Understands the role of the linguistic environment and conversational support in second-language development, and uses this knowledge to provide a rich, comprehensible language environment with supported opportunities for communication in English.
  3. Applies knowledge of practices, resources and materials that are effective in promoting students’ communicative competence in English.
  4. Understands the interrelatedness of listening, speaking, reading and writing and uses this knowledge to select and use effective strategies for developing students’ oral language proficiency in English in accordance with the ELPS.
  5. Applies knowledge of effective strategies for helping ESL students transfer language skills from L1 to L2.
  6. Applies knowledge of individual differences (e.g., developmental characteristics, cultural and language background, academic strengths, learning styles) to select focused, targeted and systematic second language acquisition instruction to English-language learners in grade 3 or higher who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English-language proficiency in listening and/or speaking in accordance with the ELPS.
  7. Knows how to provide appropriate feedback in response to students’ developing English-language skills.
Competency 005—The ESL teacher understands how to promote students’ literacy development in English.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Knows applicable Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and knows how to design and implement appropriate instruction to address the proficiency level descriptors for the beginning, intermediate, advanced and advanced-high levels in the reading and writing domains.
  2. Understands the interrelatedness of listening, speaking, reading and writing and uses this knowledge to select and use effective strategies for developing students’ literacy in English.
  3. Understands that English is an alphabetic language and applies effective strategies for developing ESL students’ phonological knowledge and skills (e.g., phonemic awareness skills, knowledge of English letter-sound associations, knowledge of common English phonograms) and sight-word vocabularies (e.g., phonetically irregular words, high-frequency words).
  4. Knows factors that affect ESL students’ reading comprehension (e.g., vocabulary, text structures, cultural references) and applies effective strategies for facilitating ESL students’ reading comprehension in English.
  5. Applies knowledge of effective strategies for helping students transfer literacy knowledge and skills from L1 to L2.
  6. Applies knowledge of individual differences (e.g., developmental characteristics, cultural and language background, academic strengths, learning styles) to select focused, targeted and systematic second language acquisition instruction to English-language learners in grade 3 or higher who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English-language proficiency in reading, and/or writing in accordance with the ELPS.
  7. Knows personal factors that affect ESL students’ English literacy development (e.g., interrupted schooling, literacy status in the primary language, prior literacy experiences) and applies effective strategies for addressing those factors.
Competency 006— The ESL teacher understands how to promote students’ content-area learning, academic-language development and achievement across the curriculum.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Applies knowledge of effective practices, resources and materials for providing content-based ESL instruction that is linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced and scaffolded) to the students’ levels of English language proficiency; engaging students in critical thinking; and developing students’ cognitive-academic language proficiency across content areas.
  2. Knows instructional delivery practices that are effective in facilitating ESL students’ application of various learning strategies (e.g., preteaching key vocabulary; helping students apply familiar concepts from their cultural backgrounds and prior experiences to new learning; using metacognition, using hands-on and other experiential learning strategies; using realia, media and other visual supports [graphic organizers] to introduce and/or reinforce concepts) across content areas.
  3. Applies knowledge of individual differences (e.g., developmental characteristics, cultural and language background, academic strengths, learning styles) to select instructional strategies and resources that facilitate ESL students’ cognitive-academic language development and content-area learning.
  4. Knows personal factors that affect ESL students’ content-area learning (e.g., prior learning experiences, familiarity with specialized language and vocabulary, familiarity with the structure and uses of textbooks and other print resources) and applies effective strategies for addressing those factors.
Competency 007—The ESL teacher understands formal and informal assessment procedures and instruments used in ESL programs and uses assessment results to plan and adapt instruction.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Knows basic concepts, issues and practices related to test design, development and interpretation and uses this knowledge to select, adapt and develop assessments for different purposes in the ESL program (e.g., diagnosis, program evaluation, proficiency).
  2. Applies knowledge of formal and informal assessments used in the ESL classroom and knows their characteristics, uses and limitations.
  3. Knows standardized tests commonly used in ESL programs in Texas and knows how to interpret their results.
  4. Knows state-mandated Limited English Proficient (LEP) policies, including the role of the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), and procedures for implementing LPAC recommendations for LEP identification, placement and exit.
  5. Understands relationships among state-mandated standards, instruction and assessment in the ESL classroom.
  6. Knows how to use ongoing assessment to plan and adjust instruction that addresses individual student needs and enables ESL students to achieve learning goals.


Domain III—Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural Awareness and Family and Community Involvement

Competency 008—The ESL teacher understands the foundations of ESL education and types of ESL programs.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Knows the historical, theoretical and policy foundations of ESL education and uses this knowledge to plan, implement and advocate for effective ESL programs.
  2. Knows types of ESL programs (e.g., self-contained, pull-out, newcomer centers, dual language, immersion), their characteristics, their goals and research findings on their effectiveness.
  3. Applies knowledge of the various types of ESL programs to make appropriate instructional and management decisions.
  4. Applies knowledge of research findings related to ESL education, including research on instructional and management practices in ESL programs, to assist in planning and implementing effective ESL programs.
Competency 009— The ESL teacher understands factors that affect ESL students’ learning and implements strategies for creating an effective multicultural and multilingual learning environment.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Understands cultural and linguistic diversity in the ESL classroom and other factors that may affect students’ learning of academic content, language and culture (e.g., age, developmental characteristics, academic strengths and needs, preferred learning styles, personality, sociocultural factors, home environment, attitude, exceptionalities).
  2. Knows how to create an effective multicultural and multilingual learning environment that addresses the affective, linguistic and cognitive needs of ESL students and facilitates students’ learning and language acquisition.
  3. Knows factors that contribute to cultural bias (e.g., stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism) and knows how to create a culturally responsive learning environment.
  4. Demonstrates sensitivity to students’ diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds and shows respect for language differences.
  5. Applies strategies for creating among students an awareness of and respect for linguistic and cultural diversity.
Competency 010— The ESL teacher knows how to serve as an advocate for ESL students and facilitate family and community involvement in their education.

The beginning ESL teacher:

  1. Applies knowledge of effective strategies advocating educational and social equity for ESL students (e.g., participating in LPAC and Admission, Review and Dismissal [ARD] meetings, serving on Site-Based Decision Making [SBDM] committees, serving as a resource for teachers).
  2. Understands the importance of family involvement in the education of ESL students and knows how to facilitate parent/guardian participation in their children’s education and school activities.
  3. Applies skills for communicating and collaborating effectively with the parents/guardians of ESL students in a variety of educational contexts.
  4. Knows how community members and resources can positively affect student learning in the ESL program and is able to access community resources to enhance the education of ESL students.

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